Thursday 22 December 2011

Bake Sale and Finished Shirt

Last week on Friday we held a bake sale at Hatch End High - all together we made over £42 - more fundraising events may take place and all profits will go to Amnesty International (to visit their website click HERE).

A huge thank you to all of those who took part and those who purchased something from the bake sale!

And here are some photos of our T-Shirt Petition:

Again a huge thank you to all of those who signed it. We will be releasing the grand total of signatures soon - you can add to our petition by commenting below!

Thank you!

Thursday 8 December 2011

T-Shirt Petition Released Today

Today we released a t-shirt petition in favour of our campaign.
In less than an hour we got at least 40 signatures!
I'd just like to say a huge thank you to all of those who signed - every signature counts!
I'll add a photo of the finished shirt soon.

Oh yes, and please check out the poll that I added to the blog.
If you want to add to the petition please comment!


Saturday 3 December 2011

Thank You!

A massive thank you to those who followed this blog so far!
I really appreciate it - thank you for taking a look.

I'll be doing a survey soon to see people's views on this topic.

Friday 2 December 2011


Hi, this page is supporting Women's Rights in Afganistan, so please help us by following this blog!

Ever since the rule of the Taliban, women were being supressed and were banned from everyday aspects of life, such as:

- Being able to have a full-paid job
- Being able to leave home without her husband
- To have an education
- To be involved in politics
- To wear make-up or nail varnish

If they did any of these things they would have been put to death.
Fortunately things have improved for them, but there still is a lot of work to be done. For evxample, women are allowed to be involved in politics but this still is very dangerous for them.

Sexism today - ACT F.A.S.T (Friends Against Sexism Today)


Thank you for reading!
Freddy Flip